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Alphabetical    [«  »]
reinvigorate 1
reinvigorated 1
reject 8
rejected 9
rejecting 1
rejection 1
rejects 5
Frequency    [«  »]
9 quite
9 reached
9 receives
9 rejected
9 relics
9 represented
9 restricted
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


  Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 2,4| that it was successfully rejected by the Church. In Byzantine 2 I, 3,3| paper, since it was fiercely rejected by the overwhelming ~majority 3 I, 4,2| meanest kind of clothing and rejected all ~outward signs of authority. 4 I, 7,3| majority of Christians in Egypt rejected the Council ~of Chalcedon. 5 II, 2,3| and yet the Church has rejected them as heretical: Ephesus 6 II, 2,3| about Chalcedon?~It was rejected by Syria and Egypt — can 7 II, 2,4| there were many Orthodox who rejected the Roman teaching~on Purgatory. 8 II, 2,4| majority of~Orthodox have rejected the doctrine, for several 9 II, 4,3| theories the Church has rejected as inadequate, but it has

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