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Alphabetical    [«  »]
impulse 1
impurity 1
in 2883
in- 9
inadequate 1
inadmissible 1
inasmuch 1
Frequency    [«  »]
9 humbert
9 hymn
9 immediate
9 in-
9 includes
9 increasing
9 inspired
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


  Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 2,3| take full account of the In-~carnation. They fell, as 2 I, 2,4| and the Unbegotten; if you in-~quire about the price of 3 I, 3,1| Creed, without the filioque, in-~scribed on silver plaques 4 I, 3,2| called Sergius, did not in-~clude the new Pope.s name 5 I, 3,2| had been a period of grave in-~stability and confusion 6 I, 3,2| believers were directly in-~volved. ~ But worse was 7 I, 4,2| law of mercy, and when he in-~troduced the Byzantine law 8 I, 5,2| two movements have had no in-~fluence whatever upon Orthodoxy. 9 I, 5,2| the southwest of Russia, in-~cluding the city of Kiev

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