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Alphabetical    [«  »]
evils 1
evolution 1
ex 1
ex- 9
ex-nestorian 1
exact 4
exacting 2
Frequency    [«  »]
9 especially
9 eucharistic
9 eve
9 ex-
9 extended
9 false
9 fast
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


  Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | the entire Church, was an ex-~ceptional gathering, for 2 I, 2,2| love. into a supremacy of ex-~ternal power and jurisdiction. ~ 3 I, 2,2| been called .a centrifugal ex-~plosion, driving in every 4 I, 3,3| sight to exclude any direct ex-~perience of God. But in 5 I, 4,3| Sergius was in his way an ex-~plorer and a colonist, pushing 6 I, 5,1| there were usually several ex-~Patriarchs watching restively 7 I, 5,1| decay, outwardly its power ex-~panded as never before. 8 I, 5,2| Many of them, at any rate, ex-~plained the matter by saying 9 I, 5,2| political intrigue, his ex-~ceptional gifts might have

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