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Alphabetical    [«  »]
eu- 1
eucha- 1
eucharist 52
eucharistic 9
eunuch 2
europe 31
european 1
Frequency    [«  »]
9 equally
9 error
9 especially
9 eucharistic
9 eve
9 ex-
9 extended
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


  Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 I, 1 | thought of the Church as a Eucharistic soci-~ety, which only realizes 2 I, 1 | thinks ~of the Church as a Eucharistic society, whose outward organization, 3 II, 1,4| notably at the climax of the~Eucharistic Prayer, the Spirit is solemnly 4 II, 2,1| Church (as Ignatius saw) is a Eucharistic society, a sacramental~organism 5 II, 4,3| Peace and the Creed~C. The Eucharistic Prayer~• Opening Dialogue~• 6 II, 4,3| during the~course of the Eucharistic Prayer. The priest reads 7 II, 4,3| they look upon the entire Eucharistic Prayer as forming a single 8 II, 4,3| manner~of the change: the Eucharistic Prayer in the Liturgy simply 9 II, 4,3| particular explanation of the Eucharistic sacrifice. Nicholas Cabasilas

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