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Alphabetical    [«  »]
ephesians 1
ephesus 16
ephraim 1
epiclesis 9
epiphanius 5
epiphany 7
episco- 1
Frequency    [«  »]
9 eight
9 eighteenth
9 ends
9 epiclesis
9 equally
9 error
9 especially
Bishop Kallistos Ware
Orthodox Church

IntraText - Concordances


  Part,  Chapter, Paragraph
1 II, 4,3| the Holy Gifts to God~• Epiclesis — the Invocation or ‘calling 2 II, 4,3| Gospel; in the Eucharist, the Epiclesis of the Holy Spirit.~The 3 II, 4,3| complete until the end of the Epiclesis, and~worship of the Holy 4 II, 4,3| is effected solely by the Epiclesis,~nor do they regard the 5 II, 4,3| Thanksgiving, Anamnesis, Epiclesis — all form an~integral part 6 II, 4,3| come until the Amen of the Epiclesis (Before Vatican 2 the Roman 7 II, 4,3| to all appearances had no~Epiclesis; but many Orthodox liturgists, 8 II, 4,3| constituting~in effect an Epiclesis, although Roman Catholics 9 II, 4,3| Eucharist. As the words of the Epiclesis make abundantly~plain, the

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