Table of Contents
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Bishop Alexander (Mileant)
Toward understanding the Bible
I IntraText Edition CT
2007 - See also:
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(Occurrences: 133573. Words: 11176)
Part 1. Old Testament.
1. An Introduction.
Why the Holy Scriptures are so dear to us.
Understanding of the Holy Scriptures.
The inspiration of the Bible.
Original form and languages of the Scripture.
History of the Bible’s emergence.
Bible translations.
2. The Pentateuch.
Messianic prophecies in the Pentateuch.
The Prophet Moses.
3. The historical books of the Old Testament.
Brief overview of the historical books.
Significance of the Prophets.
The book of Joshua.
The book of Judges.
The books of the Kingdoms.
The book of Ezra.
The book of Nehemiah.
The book of Esther.
The book of Judith.
The books of Maccabees.
The Years Preceding the Coming of the Savior.
4. Didactic books of the Old Testament.
The book of Job.
The book of Proverbs.
The book of Ecclesiastes.
The Song of Songs.
The book of Wisdom of Solomon.
The book of Jesus Son of Sirach.
5. Prophetical Books.
The Importance of Prophecies.
The Time of the Prophets.
Significance of Prophets.
Reproof and Consolation.
A Review of the Prophetical Books in Chronological Order.
Index of the Most Important Prophesies and Themes.
Addendum How to read the Bible
What the Bible contains.
The beauty of the Bible.
Prayerful preparation.
How We should read the Bible.
Seed in our souls.
Words of the Word.
The Grace-filled Word.
The birth-giving word.
The Lost Scriptural Mind.
Revelation and Interpretation.
The function of tradition in the Ancient Church.
Part 2. New Testament.
1. The Historical Background.
The Religious Background.
Places of Worship.
Times of Worship.
The Feasts.
The Scriptures.
Religious Sects and Classes of People.
The Sanhedrin.
The Messianic Hope.
The youth of Christianity.
The limited area of early Christianity.
The unpromising rootage of Christianity.
2. The Gospels.
History of the Gospel Texts.
Time of Writing.
The Significance of the Gospels.
The Relationship of the Gospels.
3. The Book of Acts and Ecumenical Epistles.
Preliminary information.
The Book of Acts.
Catholic Epistles.
4. Epistles of Apostle Paul.
Correlation between Apostle Paul’s teachings and his life.
Life and works of Apostle Paul.
Outline of Apostle Paul’s teachings.
Significance of Apostle Paul’s epistles.
5. The Book of Revelation.
The significance of the Apocalypse.
The author.
The time, place, and intent of writing the Apocalypse.
The contents, plan, and symbolism of the Apocalypse.
Letters to the Seven Churches.
The vision of the Heavenly Liturgy.
The Removal of the seven seals the vision of the four horsemen
The seven trumpets, the marking of the chosen, and beginning of calamities.
The seven signs, the Church, and the kingdom of the beast.
Seven bowls, the strengthening of the godless powers, and the judgment of the sinners.
The judgment against Babylon, antichrist, and the false prophet.
The thousand-year kingdom, the judgment of the devil, the resurrection, and the last judgment.
The new earth, eternal beatitude.
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