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Alphabetical    [«  »]
rehabilitating 1
reichskunst 1
reign 267
reigned 22
reigning 3
reigns 8
reincarnated 1
Frequency    [«  »]
22 prominent
22 pronoia
22 rapidly
22 reigned
22 relics
22 remain
22 residence
A.A. Vasiliev
History of the Byzantine empire

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   Chapter, Paragraph
1 2,2 | Among the emperors who reigned in the eastern part of the 2 2,2 | Younger. His father, Zeno, reigned from 474 to 491. When Zeno 3 2,3 | again in the army. Jovian reigned only a few months, but his 4 3 | death of Justin II, Tiberius reigned as Tiberius II (578-82). 5 3,4 | country was devastated. Panic reigned in Constantinople. The churches 6 3,8 | die; but for one who has reigned, it is intolerable to be 7 4 | hair of Heraclius.[2] He reigned from 610 to 641. By his 8 4 | had a son Constantine, who reigned after the death of his father 9 5,1 | the Khazar (Chazar), who reigned from 775 to 780. Leo IV 10 6,1 | 959. His son, Romanus II, reigned only four years (959-63), 11 6,8 | advanced. At home there reigned the spirit of immobility 12 7,2 | with Byzantine customs, reigned in Bulgaria. He was the 13 8,1 | states the following princes reigned: at Nicaea (in Bithynia), 14 8,2 | from 1204 to 1222, there reigned his son-in-law, his daughter 15 8,5 | one of the emperors who reigned over Constantinople I consider 16 8,6 | the throne of Nicaea and reigned from 1222 to 1254.[47] Although 17 9,2 | and successor, John VIII, reigned from 1425 to 1448. The new 18 9,3 | began to rule in Germany and reigned for a short time. Under 19 9,3 | seized the throne, and they reigned over Egypt from 1260 to 20 9,4 | rule, while Andronicus III reigned in Byzantium, Stephen Dushan 21 9,17| could not be fed; misery reigned everywhere.[304] A historian 22 9,17| blindness that apparently reigned at the court of the Byzantine

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