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Alphabetical    [«  »]
demarcation 1
demented 1
demes 3
demetrius 18
demigod 1
democracy 2
democratic 4
Frequency    [«  »]
18 dead
18 decision
18 defender
18 demetrius
18 difficulty
18 digest
18 directly
A.A. Vasiliev
History of the Byzantine empire

IntraText - Concordances


   Chapter, Paragraph
1 3,12| upon the Acts of the martyr Demetrius, the protector of Thessalonica, 2 3,15| Peninsula is the Acta of St. Demetrius, mentioned above. This was 3 7,4 | occasion of the feast of St. Demetrius, the patron of the city, 4 8,2 | miracles of the martyr St. Demetrius, which exist in Greek and 5 8,7 | and of “all Bulgaria,” Demetrius Chomatenus (Chomatianos), 6 8,7 | basileus. One of the letters of Demetrius Chomatenus shows that the 7 8,7 | anointment by the archbishop Demetrius Chomatenus must have brought 8 8,16| Corcyra, Italian Corfù); and Demetrius Chomatenos (Chomatianos), 9 8,16| ordained by John of Naupactus, Demetrius Chomatenus (Chomatianos), 10 8,16| metropolitan of Corcyra, and Demetrius Chomatenus, archbishop of 11 8,17| Thessalonica to the Church of St. Demetrius “for all following and everlasting 12 9,2 | who survived Constantine, Demetrius Palaeologus was captured 13 9,6 | prominent writer of the epoch, Demetrius Cydones, testified that 14 9,8 | mosques, but the Church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, the chief 15 9,18| the thirteenth century, Demetrius Cydones who lived in the 16 9,18| draw needed material.[364]~ Demetrius Cydones belongs among the 17 9,18| Nicephorus Gregoras and Demetrius Cydones as one of the most 18 9,18| philologist of the same time was Demetrius Triklinius, an excellent

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