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swallow 3
swallowed 2
sway 2
swear 13
swearing 3
swears 2
sweeping 1
Frequency    [«  »]
13 separately
13 songs
13 suffer
13 swear
13 teacher
13 testimonies
13 theology

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 7”,93| the custom of the Greeks swear, either by the gods falsely 2 7”,93| Jupiter” or “by Zeus,” or who swear by the elements, by saying, 3 7”,93| says that we are not to swear at all under any conditions 4 7”,93| prohibits oaths by saying: “and swear not, As the Lord liveth” ( 5 7”,93| Hence those rulers who swear to injure the ones who are 6 8”,23| when it is necessary to swear (take oath)?” And he replies: “ 7 8”,23| you ask me) for one not to swear at all? What do you say?” 8 8”,23| for a week in case they swear any other oath than yea, 9 8”,23| thing because for one not to swear at all is only for the perfect, 10 8”,23| perfect, but for one to swear is for the imperfect, and 11 8”,23| 5:20). For one must not swear by any of the creatures, 12 8”,23| legislation.) If anyone should swear by God, let us suppose, 13 8”,23| saying ‘But I say unto you, Swear not at all’” (Matt. 5:34).

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