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Alphabetical    [«  »]
russians 2
s 200
sabbas 2
sabbath 13
sabbatians 3
sabbatius 2
sabellians 6
Frequency    [«  »]
13 referred
13 remained
13 respectively
13 sabbath
13 saved
13 savior
13 scandal

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 7”,87| we are taught that “the sabbath was made for man” (Mark 2 7”,87| Scripture, which says that the Sabbath was made for man. This can 3 7”,87| either that just as the Sabbath was declared a holiday by 4 7”,87| just as the holiday of the Sabbath used to be interrupted in 5 7”,87| happened to fall into one on a Sabbath, in order that as a result 6 7”,88| words “at the end of the sabbath” (Matt. 28:1) and the other 7 7”,88| women came at the end of the Sabbath to inspect the sepulcher 8 7”,88| revealed that the day of the Sabbath had past as well as a large 9 7”,88| part of the night after the Sabbath; while Luke, on the other 10 7”,88| dawn of the first hour of Sabbath, or, more plainly speaking, 11 8”,8 | clandestinely keeping the Sabbath and doing other Jewish acts, 12 8”,8 | our God, while keeping the Sabbath and other Jewish customs ( 13 8”,23| Balsamon, observing Saturday as Sabbath after the manner of the

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