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Alphabetical    [«  »]
pardagogus 1
pardon 17
pardonable 1
pardoned 13
pardoning 3
parents 17
paris 3
Frequency    [«  »]
13 ordains
13 ordered
13 ousted
13 pardoned
13 passion
13 pieces
13 pleasure

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 1”,14| were unbelievers, are all pardoned and wiped out by virtue 2 7”,3 | weeping to the Lord to be pardoned therefor, they deserve to 3 7”,3 | while weeping to God to be pardoned for the iniquitous act which 4 7”,25| and to the Lord, to be pardoned for the iniquitous deed 5 7”,25| about the relationship, be pardoned, and must also retain the 6 7”,25| canonical penances, but is pardoned. But for him to bless another 7 7”,25| have his unwitting iniquity pardoned, and, as a further recourse, 8 7”,86| the man deserves to be pardoned, while the woman deserves 9 7”,86| the husband deserves to be pardoned on the ground that he has 10 8”,23| they who had formerly been pardoned, and become partakers of 11 8”,23| Pope and upon repenting was pardoned by him. Against this Maximus 12 8”,23| is in no way or manner pardoned and allowed to keep the 13 8”,23| refuse to do so shall be pardoned, who do not care to divorce

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