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Alphabetical    [«  »]
medium 2
meek 1
meekness 1
meet 13
meeting 12
meetings 3
megaloscheme 5
Frequency    [«  »]
13 language
13 leader
13 manage
13 meet
13 members
13 middle
13 noted

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 Intro | canonical regulations to meet new situations. Canonical 2 Intro | exaggeration which we often meet in a strict, integrist environment. 3 1”,4 | travelled, at least three should meet together somewhere and by 4 1”,4 | let at least three bishops meet together in any event, and 5 4”,19| Fathers, for the Bishops to meet twice a year in convention 6 4”,19| decrees that the bishops shall meet twice a year in each province 7 7”,69| us make for him a helper meet for him” (Gen. 2:18). This 8 8”,3 | traveled, at least three should meet together somewhere and by 9 8”,16| that is not designed to meet some need of the body, but 10 8”,23| Solomon is sayingmaking them meet under the roof of Hades.’ ” 11 8”,23| Leo has come in order to meet him in person.” Theodore 12 8”,23| necessary for them first to meet the Bishop of Constantinople, 13 8”,23| he is to be allowed to meet the Judge. These three conditions

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