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Council, Canon
1 Intro | reasons, episcopal transfers, completely exceptional in earlier times, 2 Intro | since the comments are completely drawn from the works of 3 2”,6 | ecumenical council,[58] shall be completely estopped from lodging an 4 7”,20| holy orders who have been completely and permanently deposed 5 7”,67| and Teachers, unless it be completely useless because of having 6 8”,23| refuses to cease, let him be completely deposed from his rank. The 7 8”,23| to Zonaras it is neither completely permissible for a baptism 8 8”,23| in an oratory nor is it completely forbidden. But, he says, 9 8”,23| parchment, could become completely illegible as a result the 10 8”,23| way, which way is nowadays completely disused. Others say that 11 8”,23| water vanished instantly and completely; and all the persons there 12 8”,23| saying, when the property is completely alienated and given to another. 13 8”,23| when anything is given, not completely and forever, but only for