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Alphabetical    [«  »]
recline 1
recognition 3
recognizable 2
recognize 12
recognized 11
recognizing 2
recollect 2
Frequency    [«  »]
12 profits
12 ready
12 reasoning
12 recognize
12 recorded
12 rejected
12 remains

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 2 | this day they accept and recognize this Council as a truly 2 7”,2 | previously laid down, or to recognize and accept any Canons, other 3 7”,2 | corrupt or to refuse to recognize and accept any of the Canons 4 7”,62| those who accept them and recognize them as veridical, or those 5 8”,23| of each nation ought to recognize one of their number as their 6 8”,23| and that the law will not recognize the relationship of brotherhood 7 8”,23| and they confess that they recognize two natural wills and energies 8 8”,23| of heretics. So do we too recognize and accept whatever is right 9 8”,23| beautifications! Ah! how is God to recognize them and tell whether they 10 8”,23| all respects to accept and recognize the venerable icons, and 11 8”,23| those who know and admit and recognize, and consequently also iconize 12 8”,23| dogmas, solemnly promising to recognize and keep the Canons decreed

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