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Alphabetical    [«  »]
listen 12
listened 3
listener 1
listeners 12
listening 7
listens 3
lists 1
Frequency    [«  »]
12 likeness
12 list
12 listen
12 listeners
12 lived
12 meeting
12 meletius

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 1”,11| years with the so-calledlisteners” (audients). This means 2 1”,11| occupied by “weepers,” by “listeners,” by “kneelers,” and by “ 3 1”,12| in the place assigned to “listeners,” let them do also ten years 4 1”,12| the said three years with “listeners,” they may rightfully pray 5 1”,13| assigned to audients (or “listeners”), again he ought to stay 6 1”,14| was called that of the “listeners,” who stood in the narthex 7 1”,14| namely, the audients, or “listeners,” in the narthex of the 8 7”,86| as weepers, two years as listeners, three years as kneelers, 9 7”,86| the weepers, two with the listeners, three with the kneelers, 10 8”,23| Concerning Audients (or “listeners”), Succumbents (or “kneelers”), 11 8”,23| down he said aloud, as some listeners standing outside heard “ 12 8”,23| become offensive to reverent listeners. Wherefore we beseech canonical

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