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Alphabetical    [«  »]
euseb 2
eusebians 2
eusebius 28
eustathius 12
eustochius 1
eustratius 4
euthalius 1
Frequency    [«  »]
12 egypt
12 entrance
12 established
12 eustathius
12 eutyches
12 exact
12 exiled

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 1 | Alexander of Alexandria, Eustathius of Antioch, Macarius of 2 3”,8 | in Pamphylia in favor of Eustathius.~ Seeing that the God-inspired 3 3”,8 | reverent and most godly Eustathius. For though he was indeed 4 3”,8 | Interpretation.~This Eustathius, of whom the present letter 5 3”,8 | better and higher to give to Eustathius, either now or hereafter, 6 4”,29| Marcianus to the fact that Eustathius, the Bishop of Beyrut (or, 7 8”,23| the care of an episcopate, Eustathius ought to have borne it with 8 8”,23| the written resignation of Eustathius. For if it had been customary 9 8”,23| says, in paraphrase, that “Eustathius came to the Council, begging 10 8”,23| Pamphylia for failing to force Eustathius to accept the Church entrusted 11 8”,23| about the inactivity of Eustathius, and that they opposed him 12 8”,23| Council should have given Eustathius the honor and title and

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