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Alphabetical    [«  »]
early 4
earnest 5
earnests 1
ears 12
earth 30
earthen 1
earthquake 1
Frequency    [«  »]
12 disorderly
12 divided
12 divorced
12 ears
12 easterners
12 eggs
12 egypt

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 2”,6 | either to annoy the emperor’s ears or to trouble courts of 2 2”,7 | and nose, and mouth, and ears; and in sealing them we 3 2”,7 | their face and into their ears; and thus do we catechize 4 2”,7 | eyes, nose, mouth, and ears we first seal with holy 5 2”,7 | their face and into their ears. And thus we catechize them 6 4”,3 | inasmuch as it has come to the ears of the Council that some 7 4”,19| 19.~ It has come to our ears that the canonically prescribed 8 4”,23| 23.~ It has come to the ears of the holy Council that 9 7”,69| block; for the eyes and ears of the congregation are 10 7”,94| nose and mouth, and the ears, while we are anointing 11 7”,94| their faces and into their ears. And thus we catechize them, 12 8”,23| would not displease the ears of Christ-lovers.” Those

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