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Alphabetical    [«  »]
correctly 5
corrects 4
correspondence 2
corresponding 12
correspondingly 1
corresponds 1
corroborate 3
Frequency    [«  »]
12 commentary
12 confession
12 consecration
12 corresponding
12 damascene
12 decreeing
12 depicted

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 2”,7 | Translator. — This term, and the corresponding nouneconomy” and verb “ 2 4”,18| denoted by the Greek word corresponding to the verb “hatch,” in 3 7”,82| women called moerologetriae (corresponding to what the Irish call keeners, 4 8”,23| Alexandria. Hence Synesius when corresponding with Theophilus says in 5 8”,23| denotes (speaking of the corresponding Greek word “Panagiotatos”) “ 6 8”,23| exactly equivalent to the corresponding Greek word, most persons 7 8”,23| which language lacks a word corresponding to the more intelligible 8 8”,23| of words and calls, the corresponding Greek term being derived 9 8”,23| Greek, that is to say, the corresponding Greek term is derived from 10 8”,23| the lack of English words corresponding to the highly specific terms 11 8”,23| unseasonable thing. The corresponding Greek noun (perpereia) is 12 8”,23| noun perpereia (like the corresponding English noun frippery) denotes

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