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Alphabetical    [«  »]
lender 1
lending 3
lends 1
length 11
lengthened 1
lengths 1
leniency 4
Frequency    [«  »]
11 involved
11 jew
11 leaving
11 length
11 letting
11 limited
11 lxiii

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 1”,5 | deems that a sufficient length of time has been passed 2 1”,8 | faith; regarding whom a length of time has been fixed, 3 7”,3 | penanced for an express length of time. But we have decided 4 7”,3 | holy orders for a certain length of time, but to participate 5 7”,77| catechization (but what was the length of this period? See the 6 7”,93| himself to abstain for such a length of time from some other 7 8”,23| prelacy for the prescribed length of time.~ ~ [24] Note that 8 8”,23| matter of diocese at greater length.~ In view of the fact that, 9 8”,23| Dioceses) throughout the length and breadth of the various 10 8”,23| often triple the standard length are in truth nauseating 11 8”,23| therein for a considerable length of time the wonder-working

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