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Alphabetical [« »] feminine 1 fervently 1 fervid 2 festival 11 festivals 6 festivity 1 fetch 1 | Frequency [« »] 11 existence 11 extenso 11 fall 11 festival 11 forcibly 11 freed 11 garment | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances festival |
Council, Canon
1 7”,8 | province, to last from the festival of Holy Easter till the 2 7”,51| consequently as a feast day and festival, it allows a perfect sacrifice 3 7”,61| faithful the so-called (festival of) the calends, or kalends, 4 7”,61| Brumalia, and the public festival celebrated on the first 5 7”,61| called Brumalius, and his festival Brumalia, in the plural, 6 7”,89| spiritually, ending the festival by passing out of darkness 7 7”,89| Sunday) we commence the festival, and keep it up until the 8 8”,9 | to dance drunken at the festival of the tutelar of intoxication 9 8”,23| followers perverted the festival of Easter. They conflated 10 8”,23| Thursday, during the Christmas festival, on the occasion of the 11 8”,23| not in order to make their festival and temple a market and