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Alphabetical    [«  »]
silk 8
silken 1
silkworms 1
silver 10
silvester 2
simeon 1
similar 18
Frequency    [«  »]
10 safe
10 saw
10 seized
10 silver
10 someone
10 specifically
10 speech

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 8”,4 | I have coveted no one’s silver, or gold, or apparel. I 2 8”,4 | under him demand gold, or silver, or any other commodity. 3 8”,4 | subsequent thereto, not to desire silver, or gold, or clothes, but 4 8”,4 | shall seek to extort gold or silver or anything else of value, 5 8”,23| Creed without it upon two silver plaques, on the one in Greek, 6 8”,23| fifty thousand pieces of silver (Acts 19:18). The penalties 7 8”,23| either wooden or gold or silver or brass, hanging round 8 8”,23| which means with gold and silver and other metals, as Theodosius 9 8”,23| on precious crosses, of silver and gold, according to Dositheus ( 10 8”,23| to hollow out the gold or silver that is in the icon, and

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