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Alphabetical    [«  »]
instituted 3
institutes 2
institution 3
institutions 10
instruct 1
instructed 1
instructing 1
Frequency    [«  »]
10 images
10 incur
10 innovation
10 institutions
10 investigation
10 inviolable
10 jewish

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 Intro | knowledge of the law and institutions of early Christianity. During 2 Intro | Church. For the historian of institutions, these commentaries are 3 Intro | evolution of ecclesiastical institutions. Be that as it may, in Byzantine 4 Intro | interest just the historians of institutions but also all Orthodox practitioners 5 Intro | to the history of Church institutions in the West.76 The research 6 7”,83| Closely following the Fathersinstitutions, we decree also as concerning 7 8 | and the rest of sacred institutions, and the offering of wafts 8 8”,13| sins certain charitable institutions have been pillaged by men, 9 8”,13| their monasteries. These institutions being left in a state of 10 8”,23| Fathers to prevent these institutions from being turned over to

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