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Alphabetical [« »] ascent 2 ascertain 3 ascertained 2 ascetic 14 ascetics 3 ascribed 3 ashamed 4 | Frequency [« »] 14 anointed 14 apply 14 appoint 14 ascetic 14 beliefs 14 below 14 beyond | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances ascetic |
Council, Canon
1 4”,9 | deaconess, or a nun, or any ascetic woman, he shall first take 2 4”,16| according to Basil the Great (Ascetic Ordinance 21) a monk, as 3 7”,42| Christian to choose the ascetic mode of life and abandoning 4 7”,44| disposition in favor of the ascetic struggle than for their 5 7”,45| touching women who prefer the ascetic life and are enrolled in 6 8”,23| according to Basil the Great (ascetic ordinance 4), such men are 7 8”,23| discourse on the fact that an ascetic must not joke) they are 8 8”,23| again Basil the Great (ascetic ordinance 4) says that even 9 8”,23| subintroductus.” ~ In the ascetic discourse which Basil the 10 8”,23| unconcern and refuse to go out (Ascetic Ordinance XXVI), it is nevertheless 11 8”,23| that those who ravish an ascetic woman or a woman that has 12 8”,23| life of Luke who became an ascetic in Mt. Steirion. For when 13 8”,23| Basil the Great says (in his Ascetic Ordinance 10) that if any 14 8”,23| Ordinance 10) that if any ascetic or caloger would like to