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Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 1”,19| to persons that had been followers of the heresy of Paul of 2 2”,1 | spirit-fighters), the heresy of the followers of Sabellius,[46] the heresy 3 8”,23| pleasure; these men were followers of Cerinthus, a pupil of 4 8”,23| 44] Note that the followers of Arius subsequently to 5 8”,23| condemned him, since his followers were called Pneumatomachs ( 6 8”,23| Apostolic traditions. Having as followers two women, namely, Priscilla 7 8”,23| loathing thereof. He and his followers perverted the festival of 8 8”,23| first, in order to shame the followers of Eutyches by means of 9 8”,23| changed to Manicaeus by his followers; and he disseminated the 10 8”,23| and Satorinus, who were followers of Simon the Sorcerer, according

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