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Alphabetical    [«  »]
expositors 1
expounding 2
express 9
expressed 10
expresses 3
expressing 1
expression 25
Frequency    [«  »]
10 edition
10 estate
10 examine
10 expressed
10 faculty
10 failing
10 faster

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


   Council,  Canon
1 Intro | the old legislation were expressed.~ The understanding of the 2 1”,5 | the opinion prevail which expressed in the Canon prescribing 3 1”,5 | effect which has already been expressed in legislation, just as 4 7 | uttered, wherein they are expressed.” In certain inscriptions 5 7”,1 | it would be more usually expressed in ordinary English by the 6 7”,28| in Greek the same idea is expressed differently by saying “fastingly”), 7 8”,23| the article deficiently expressed therein concerning the Holy 8 8”,23| deposed. (See the same views expressed in Balsamon’s Reply 36 on 9 8”,23| saying the same thing, is expressed in its above definition 10 8”,23| has been philosophically expressed, in the finest and most

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