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Alphabetical    [«  »]
449 2
45 6
451 2
46 10
469 1
47 10
470 1
Frequency    [«  »]
11 wishing
11 worse
11 xlix
10 46
10 47
10 abolished
10 accustomed

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


                                              bold = Main text
   Council,  Canon                            grey = Comment text
1 Intro | adjustments of particular details.46 Nowadays, in the light of 2 2”,1 | followers of Sabellius,[46] the heresy of the adherents 3 7”,26| about in costumes” (Luke 20:46). And if the Apostle Peter 4 7”,45| 46.~ As touching women who 5 7”,75| The Lord told the Jews (19:46): “It is written, ‘My house 6 8”,13| Isa. 66:24; Mark 9:44, 46, 48), since they are opposed 7 8”,23| too, in Book VIII, ch. 46, say “Neither is it licit 8 8”,23| of the Semi-Arians.~ ~ [46] Sabellius, who hailed from 9 8”,23| magnify the Lord” ’ (Luke 1:46). Only the All-holy Virgin 10 8”,23| Concerning Heresies, ch. 46). He used to say, besides

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