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Alphabetical    [«  »]
xlv 7
xlvi 10
xlvii 19
xlviii 9
xv 76
xvi 36
xvii 31
Frequency    [«  »]
9 wisdom
9 xli
9 xlii
9 xlviii
9 xxxii
9 zeno
8 150

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 7”,28| LI, LII of Laodicea; cc. XLVIII, LVI of Carthage; c. I of 2 7”,28| as an improvement over c. XLVIII of Carthage which contained 3 7”,28| however, that not only this c. XLVIII of Carthage decrees that 4 7”,29| Ap. c. V; cc. XII, XIII, XLVIII of the 6th; c. IV of Gangra; 5 7”,86| Interpretation and Footnote of Ap. c. XLVIII, and c. XX of Ancyra.[225]~ ~ ~ 6 8”,23| Neocacsarea, modified by XVI; c. XLVIII of Carthage, modified by 7 8”,23| Council, however, in its c. XLVIII, though allowing the wife 8 8”,23| believer and honest”; b) c. XLVIII of the present 6th, which 9 8”,23| ibidem) and also by c. XLVIII of Carthage. St. Chrysostom,

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