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Alphabetical [« »] willing 17 willingly 4 willingness 4 wills 9 wilt 2 wind 2 winding 1 | Frequency [« »] 9 uttered 9 vogue 9 whereby 9 wills 9 wisdom 9 xli 9 xlii | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances wills |
Council, Canon
1 6 | incarnation possessed two natural wills and two natural energies[ 2 7”,1 | were and are two natural wills, or, that is to say, wishes, 3 8”,23| apportions to whomsoever He wills the means of attaining to 4 8”,23| 121] We ought to call the wills and energies of Christ natural, 5 8”,23| compelled to attribute three wills and three energies to the 6 8”,23| said that there are two wills and two energies inherent 7 8”,23| best fashion with the two wills and two energies of Christ 8 8”,23| each of the two natures wills and energizes its own activities 9 8”,23| they recognize two natural wills and energies inherent in