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Alphabetical    [«  »]
signifying 8
signing 1
signs 3
silence 9
silenced 1
silent 12
silk 8
Frequency    [«  »]
9 sardican
9 sergius
9 shave
9 silence
9 sisters
9 stood
9 subsequent

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 7”,53| passing over most of them in silence, and pointing out to us 2 7”,53| unlawful. But inasmuch as such silence and inability to discern 3 7”,53| passed over the most in silence, on the ground of their 4 7”,53| 3). As a result of this silence men’s nature was confused 5 7”,69| greatest adornment of women is silence. Let their example be Mary, 6 8”,23| sitteth alone and broodeth in silence” (Lam. of Jer. 3:27-28). 7 8”,23| the one and the other in silence, uttering only the end, 8 8”,23| incarnation, yet have maintained silence as concerning the theology 9 8”,23| have been passed over in silence by the iconomachs, but,

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