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Alphabetical [« »] lying 3 lyingly 2 m 1 macarius 9 macedon 1 macedonian 2 macedonians 7 | Frequency [« »] 9 lviii 9 lxix 9 lxxxi 9 macarius 9 major 9 marcianus 9 material | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances macarius |
Council, Canon
1 1 | Eustathius of Antioch, Macarius of Jerusalem, Eusebius of 2 6 | he wrote to the Emperor; Macarius of Antioch, together with 3 7”,1 | in this God-guarded city, Macarius who became the Bishop of 4 8”,23| Canons. Note, however, that Macarius of Ancyra misexplained this 5 8”,23| and at a time when, as Macarius the bishop of Ancyra said 6 8”,23| inclined to exaggeration. Hence Macarius the bishop of Ancyra understands 7 8”,23| over all the Patriarchs. Macarius was followed also by Alexias 8 8”,23| Constantinople Sergius and Peter by Macarius of Antioch at the Sixth 9 8”,23| to all these authorities Macarius the Great also testifies