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Alphabetical    [«  »]
kindling 1
kindly 2
kindness 1
kinds 9
king 17
kingdom 18
kings 9
Frequency    [«  »]
9 inherent
9 injunction
9 intended
9 kinds
9 kings
9 lamb
9 lose

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 7”,40| fastings and with other kinds of hardships and harsh treatment 2 7”,50| they used to engage in all kinds of theatrical presentations 3 7”,54| entirely from food of all kinds, that is to say, or by eating 4 7”,75| perfumes[214] or of other kinds of merchandise must be set 5 7”,75| of raki, or even of other kinds of comestibles, according 6 7”,75| to Balsamon or of other kinds of merchandise within the 7 8”,15| behold, there are many kinds of manual work in the world 8 8”,23| influence. There were two kinds of defensors; to wit: ecclesiastical 9 8”,23| weaving together of different kinds and different colors of

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