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Alphabetical    [«  »]
gallipoli 1
gamble 2
game 1
games 9
gamma 1
gangra 16
garb 7
Frequency    [«  »]
9 forever
9 forward
9 gain
9 games
9 gifts
9 hardships
9 hist

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 7”,23| wedding, whenever fraudulent games are introduced, let him 2 7”,23| and listen to effeminate games. If, on the other hand, 3 7”,23| such deceptive and Satanic games, he must get up at once 4 7”,23| time has even come for the games). As for anyone caught doing 5 7”,49| draughts, or any other such games, no matter whether he be 6 7”,49| Anyone that should play these games after publication of this 7 8”,23| theatrical shows and such games are prohibited only on Sundays 8 8”,23| in modern Greek), playing games, dancing in front of the 9 8”,23| from amusements, dances, games, songs, and other such absurdities

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