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Alphabetical    [«  »]
excess 2
excessive 6
excessively 2
exchange 9
exchanged 1
excise 1
excised 2
Frequency    [«  »]
9 evagrius
9 everyone
9 evils
9 exchange
9 express
9 fell
9 flavian

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 3 | panegyris of the salvatory exchange, etc.” After ordaining that 2 7”,22| compensation whatsoever in exchange for such communion. For 3 7”,97| accompanied by the usual exchange of kisses on the part of 4 8”,8 | slave or acquire one by exchange or gift or in any other 5 8”,12| rulers, either by sale or by exchange, any such transfer is to 6 8”,19| deposed from office who in exchange for money should nominate 7 8”,23| XV. No one can sell, or exchange, or give away, or mortgage 8 8”,23| exhibitions of insolence, and the exchange of insults have engendered 9 8”,23| or by implantation or by exchange, or in any other similar

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