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Alphabetical [« »] emperors 31 emphasized 1 emphatically 2 empire 9 employ 14 employed 11 employing 7 | Frequency [« »] 9 drawn 9 eight 9 elevated 9 empire 9 epitomized 9 evagrius 9 everyone | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances empire |
Council, Canon
1 1 | conveyances and posts of the empire; moreover, while the Council 2 1”,7 | an emperor of the Eastern Empire) honored Chalcedon, and 3 4”,28| which is the seat of an empire, and of a senate, and is 4 4”,28| it was the capital of an empire, and were fully justified 5 4”,28| being made the seat of an empire and of a senate, in a similar 6 7”,38| powers of the most Christian empire, by the providence of the 7 7”,38| became a subject of the Roman Empire. For this reason the present 8 8”,23| honored as the capital of an empire. For, says the present Canon, “ 9 8”,23| all the magistrates of the empire, as is historically recorded