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Alphabetical [« »] shaped 1 shapeless 1 shapes 2 share 7 shared 3 sharetaker 1 sharing 2 | Frequency [« »] 7 senate 7 serious 7 shalt 7 share 7 shepherd 7 shorn 7 shows | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances share |
Council, Canon
1 Intro | light of historical data, we share a far more nuanced view 2 1”,8 | the Bishop that he should share in the honor of the name. 3 2”,3 | and says that he is to share the prerogatives of honor 4 7”,3 | therefor, they deserve to share in the honor of standing 5 7”,25| man will have no essential share in the sacred office of 6 8”,23| they are destitute of any share in and are wholly uninitiated 7 8”,23| are ordained who have no share or privilege in the Bema,