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Alphabetical    [«  »]
promises 5
promising 1
promote 1
promoted 7
promotion 1
prompted 6
prompts 2
Frequency    [«  »]
7 pretense
7 privately
7 produce
7 promoted
7 proof
7 prothesis
7 purity

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 1”,1| henceforth no such person must be promoted to holy orders. But as is 2 1”,2| right after baptism they promoted them to an episcopate or 3 1”,9| If some persons have been promoted to Presbyters without due 4 7”,3| without being in any way promoted to any higher rank, it being 5 7”,6| Canons that of those being promoted to the Clergy only Anagnosts 6 8”,2| anyone who is about to be promoted to the rank of bishop shall 7 8”,3| anyone who is going to be promoted to a bishopric to be appointed

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