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Alphabetical    [«  »]
paramonarii 1
paramonarius 2
paramount 2
paraphrase 7
paraphrased 1
paraphrases 2
paraphrasis 2
Frequency    [«  »]
7 origen
7 outward
7 pains
7 paraphrase
7 passing
7 pentecost
7 perfumes

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 Intro | each canon is followed by a paraphrase in modern Greek along with 2 8”,1 | which run as follows in paraphrase: “I have rejoiced, O Lord, 3 8”,2 | through the prophet Hosea (in paraphrase): “Since thou hast spurned 4 8”,23| to occur. For it says, in paraphrase, that “once having been 5 8”,23| occurred; for it says, in paraphrase, “we do not know how and 6 8”,23| letter. For it says, in paraphrase, that “Eustathius came to 7 8”,23| Scholasticus, or even in the Arabic paraphrase of Joseph the Egyptian.

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