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Alphabetical    [«  »]
aspersed 1
assault 1
assaults 1
assemble 7
assembled 34
assemblies 4
assembling 3
Frequency    [«  »]
7 apollinaris
7 applicable
7 appropriate
7 assemble
7 asserting
7 authors
7 based

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 1”,5 | in each province, and to assemble all the bishops together 2 7”,8 | prelates find it difficult to assemble twice a year, on account 3 7”,73| and invite the brethren to assemble in honor of the Lord, and 4 8”,6 | who were called upon to assemble had to face, the devout 5 8”,23| authority to convoke and assemble ecumenical councils. For, 6 8”,23| seized the opportunity to assemble in this ecumenical council.~ ~ [ 7 8”,23| with him, tafcepains to assemble the present Council. Present

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