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Alphabetical    [«  »]
anathematize 14
anathematized 51
anathematizes 15
anathematizing 7
anatolius 3
ancestors 1
anchialos 1
Frequency    [«  »]
7 aged
7 ages
7 alexandrians
7 anathematizing
7 apollinaris
7 applicable
7 appropriate

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 2”,5 | of the Nicene Fathers and anathematizing all those who hold beliefs 2 2”,7 | publication or issue”)[64] anathematizing both their own heresy as 3 2”,7 | Severians may be accepted after anathematizing their own heresies — as 4 7”,1 | And they too join hands in anathematizing all those enemies of the 5 8”,1 | the individual Fathers; anathematizing those whom they anathematize; 6 8”,23| by wrongly condemning and anathematizing him as a heretic. And thus, 7 8”,23| join hands in explicitly anathematizing in this Canon the heresy

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