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Alphabetical [« »] affirmed 3 affixing 1 afflictions 1 afford 7 afforded 7 affords 1 affrontment 1 | Frequency [« »] 7 administering 7 adopt 7 aelia 7 afford 7 afforded 7 aged 7 ages | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances afford |
Council, Canon
1 4”,11| the fact that they used to afford peace to those who were 2 7”,19| Consequently those teaching therein afford them additional benefit. 3 7”,29| manner whatsoever, so as to afford us thereby positive proof 4 7”,40| clearly. For they shall afford such clear evidence that 5 8”,23| become the contrary, and afford the Latins occasion to accuse 6 8”,23| of piety, and in order to afford themselves an incentive 7 8”,23| generally speaking, baths afford no other good besides carnal