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Alphabetical [« »] tells 4 temerity 1 temper 1 temperance 6 temperate 4 temperately 2 temperature 1 | Frequency [« »] 6 task 6 tavern 6 tear 6 temperance 6 thereupon 6 thirdly 6 thirtieth | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances temperance |
Council, Canon
1 7”,13| are obliged to practice temperance in connection with their 2 7”,13| mysteries must practice temperance by abstaining from their 3 8”,23| orders had made to practice temperance by abstinence, or, in other 4 8”,23| Carthagenian Council, concerned temperance in curacies as regarding 5 8”,23| neither is it with regard to temperance in marriage, which the deaconesses 6 8”,23| thereby pretended to extreme temperance (or “encrateia”) and a rough-and-hard