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Alphabetical    [«  »]
questioned 1
questions 13
quibble 1
quickly 6
quiet 5
quietly 2
quietness 1
Frequency    [«  »]
6 prov
6 providing
6 pure
6 quickly
6 quietude
6 ratification
6 receives

Canons of the seven ecumenical councils

IntraText - Concordances


  Council,  Canon
1 7”,3 | learning sobriety, and have quickly come to forget their former 2 7”,39| it precisely like a seal quickly and hence seeking to prevent 3 8”,20| present, and let him depart quickly.[286]~ ~Concord.~The second 4 8”,23| attained in some persons more quickly, and in others more slowly. 5 8”,23| to chant their songs more quickly, in order that their songs 6 8”,23| addition “and let him depart quickly.”~ ~ [286] This same Basil

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