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Alphabetical [« »] mathematicians 2 mathematics 2 matins 1 matrimonial 6 matrimony 6 matt 22 matter 117 | Frequency [« »] 6 managing 6 marcionists 6 marcus 6 matrimonial 6 matrimony 6 mighty 6 mingling | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances matrimonial |
Council, Canon
1 7”,6 | permission to contract a matrimonial relationship for himself: 2 7”,53| henceforth anyone who enters into matrimonial relationship with his own ( 3 7”,71| void, and this unlawful matrimonial tie is to be sundered. For 4 7”,97| Whoever takes by way of matrimonial union any woman betrothed 5 8”,23| in that on Synoekesia (or Matrimonial Contracts).~ ~ [89] That 6 8”,23| decrees that if one party of a matrimonial couple be enslaved, the