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Alphabetical [« »] magnanimous 4 magnates 3 magnetic 1 magnified 6 magnify 2 magnitude 2 main 4 | Frequency [« »] 6 love-feasts 6 lxiv 6 lxxx 6 magnified 6 maintain 6 managing 6 marcionists | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances magnified |
Council, Canon
1 4”,28| and priorities, should be magnified also as she is in respect 2 4”,28| also (old) Rome, and to be magnified herself also in exactly 3 7”,35| ecclesiastical matters shall be magnified like the latter, coming 4 7”,35| one of Rome, and shall be magnified in ecclesiastical affairs 5 8”,23| Bishop of Constantinople is magnified just as is the Bishop of 6 8”,23| Rome, and its right to be magnified in ecclesiastical affairs,