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Alphabetical [« »] leg 1 legacy 2 legal 15 legate 6 legates 19 legendary 3 legible 1 | Frequency [« »] 6 lastly 6 leading 6 leaves 6 legate 6 linen 6 lix 6 locality | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances legate |
Council, Canon
1 2 | Damasus in person or by a legate, nor does even a conciliar 2 7 | Ravenna who acted as the legate of the Pope of Rome,[126] 3 8”,23| before him Paschasinus, the legate of Pope Leo, cited the same 4 8”,23| Ecum. Council Peter the legate of the Pope called Tarasius 5 8”,23| Canon that Paschasinus, the legate of the Pope, which is as 6 8”,23| Sicily, attending as the legate of Thomas, the archibishop