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Alphabetical [« »] terribly 1 territorial 1 territories 3 territory 5 terror 1 tertillian 2 tertullian 1 | Frequency [« »] 5 tantamount 5 telling 5 termed 5 territory 5 theologically 5 thomas 5 threads | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances territory |
Council, Canon
1 2”,6 | beyond the boundaries of a territory), tribunals, and not to 2 7”,38| Balsamon, is the eastern territory extending from Abydus, or, 3 8”,23| subject and to which his territory belonged. The same Canon 4 8”,23| deacons either in their own territory or in any other town. Canon 5 8”,23| available to replace in that territory; for in that event he is