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Alphabetical [« »] phraseology 1 phrases 1 phrygia 2 phrygians 5 physician 5 physicians 2 pictorial 2 | Frequency [« »] 5 perdition 5 permanent 5 philanthropic 5 phrygians 5 physician 5 pictured 5 plant | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances phrygians |
Council, Canon
1 2”,7 | Montanists, who are here called Phrygians, and the Sabellians, who 2 2”,7 | Constantinople were known as Phrygians;[65] and the Sabellians, 3 2”,7 | the seal of the Myron. But Phrygians returning are required by 4 7”,94| who are hereabouts called Phrygians and Sabellians, who hold 5 8”,23| those under him were called Phrygians), as a false prophet energized