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Alphabetical [« »] hereafter 24 hereby 6 herein 5 hereinabove 5 heresiarch 1 heresiarchs 1 heresies 18 | Frequency [« »] 5 hebrews 5 hellespont 5 herein 5 hereinabove 5 hom 5 homes 5 honoring | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances hereinabove |
Council, Canon
1 8”,23| of the Canon, translated hereinabove “this,” refers to nothing 2 8”,23| their parents, as we said hereinabove, whereas the civil laws 3 8”,23| handsbreadth (referred to hereinabove), and to give it to the 4 8”,23| their churches. We said hereinabove those representations which 5 8”,23| observation and custom noted hereinabove) seem to me to be the fact