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Alphabetical [« »] evidence 7 evidenced 2 evident 30 evidently 5 evil 25 evil-minded 2 evils 9 | Frequency [« »] 5 evangelists 5 eve 5 ever-virgin 5 evidently 5 ex 5 exempt 5 exercised | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances evidently |
Council, Canon
1 Intro | limited nature of the canon evidently stands out.52 Sometimes 2 7”,98| forth by us above becomes evidently manifest from the context. 3 8”,23| resigned his episcopate, evidently ought not even to be called 4 8”,23| Basil, where the servant is evidently a different person from 5 8”,23| censer, much more so does it evidently prohibit them from pronouncing