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Alphabetical [« »] bearing 5 bears 13 beast 8 beasts 5 beat 1 beaten 2 beating 1 | Frequency [« »] 5 barbary 5 baths 5 bearing 5 beasts 5 bed 5 beforehand 5 beheld | Canons of the seven ecumenical councils IntraText - Concordances beasts |
Council, Canon
1 7”,50| beheld when one sees wild beasts, such as, for instance, 2 8”,23| being preyed upon by wild beasts, all the time indulging 3 8”,23| hunting of animals and of wild beasts, much more does it prohibit 4 8”,23| sacrifice? Cattle and wild beasts, and reptiles. But fish 5 8”,23| and those who bind wild beasts, such as wolves, etc., (